Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Diving Debacle

So Friday July 1st:
Xavier calls me from picking Adam up from Dive. He tells me Adam landed funny during dive and has possibly burst his eardrum. REALLY???
SOOOO off to the office they go. Eric FNP looks at the ear and says its really swollen, but not ruptured. Whew what a relief. Right? WRONG.
Apparently when your ear has trauma (Like all of Adam landing directly on it) it can rupture from the pressure later!!!!
So I am at the movies and Adam starts sending me picture messages of blood coming out of his ear. Truly he is so gross. So we get him all tucked in for the night. Only Adam could rupture his eardrum at home 8 hours after the trauma.

Day #2 :
The next morning no better. We are off to the office to see Romona. She tell us eardrum in fact ruptured. Gives us Rx off we go. 

Day #3:
 Really complaining of pain. Holding his head at a tilt, not really sleeping. Ear now draining green gunk. Call Romona who adds on pain meds and wants to see him Tuesday in the office. 

Day #4:
 Fourth of July. Now intense pain. Draining stuff and new symptom. FEVER. High Fever 102. This is with Tylenol, Motrin, Tylenol, Motrin. Why the fever. Xavier and President Ray give him a blessing. He does not really participate in any 4th of July excitement. Sleeps all day. Now I am starting to worry.

Day #5:
 I  leave for work. I leave a normal looking young man. Not bad looking if I don't day so myself. This is what I see when I leave for work.
Adam goes into see Romona they add another antibiotic, more pain meds.... Still running a fever.
I come home 8 hours later. Adam is back in bed, as he has been for most of the day. Still running a fever now up to 102.8, I am FREAKING out. So I decide he needs to come out of his room and drink fluids. He hasn't been drinking I decide this will help with fever.
So I wake him up and he comes into the kitchen. It is then that I see what has happened to my wonderful son. His face and ear and head are actually SWOLLEN!!!!
Not just a little swollen. So swollen that his ear is sticking out of his head at a wierd angle and his face and the back of his head are swollen... here let me show you what he looked like.....

Am I the only one that see's he is abnormally swollen??
We call in the calvalry and on

Day #6:
 Off to see Pam in the Morning, shot of Antibiotics, and immediately over to the ENT. Who proceeds to tell Adam the canal is swollen shut nothing can drain out anymore and proceeds to drain as much out of his ear as he can.
(Inner ear infection secondary to traumatic dive landing!!)
He leaves a wick in his ear and will see him again on Friday Morning.
The conclusion to this story .. at least so far is...

My Baby is back. I came home today and good looks have returned...

I will keep everyone posted on the ear situation.
If I can just get Adam to stop yelling "Hey youuuuu guuuuyyssss!!" I will consider him back to 100%.
Seriously Keep him in your prayers. Boys camp is Monday I have not given up all hope.
Well girls that's what you are missing back at the ranch!
Love Mom


  1. Really Adam, I could hear that bellow all the way down the street! ;)

  2. Two posts in one week?! I am loving that you have a blog now! Poor Adam, by the way. I had no idea it was so bad. He is such a trooper.

  3. I love the picture comparison. Haha, that is pretty close to my moms description when she saw him the other day ;)
