Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random Thought...A Small Rant

Okay so I have a couple of random thoughts for the week.
#1 being...
I was sitting in sacrament on Sunday listening to the speakers speak, and I realized that we live in a country where people feel entitled. I think when this country was started our forefathers felt entitled. You know, they felt they had the right to free religion, freedom from oppression and the freedom to be anything you can be. Now this was good righteous entitlement.
Enter modern day America. We have this huge population that think they are entitled. They feel entitled to free food, free money and freedom from any religion. My dad was a Marine during the Vietnam War, and my husbands father served in the Korean War. They, like so many others have fought for our freedoms. It makes me sad that this beautiful county, the promised land, is wasted on so many. But... some gave all for their freedoms. I cannot change the whole county. However, if I could, I have some pet peeves.  Like everyone should have to show respect to the flag, like when they are singing the national anthem people should salute right? And, why do people scream and clap while the national anthem is being sung?? So annoying. Anyways, I digress. I am glad for the freedoms we have, and to be raised in this great nation.
(Just having an Ione Bailey moment).

I think two things in male fashion should be outlawed FOREVER.

Skinny Jeans

Baggy Jeans that show your underwear.
Really no man or boy should ever wear jeans that make his waste and hips seem smaller than a woman's. NOT A GOOD LOOK. They should be outlawed, by the fashion police.  And really these baggy jeans KILL ME. I don't want to see your undies. REALLY I DON'T. They have to walk weird and bowlegged just to keep them up. REALLY!?!?

How come everyone I saw today at Target looked like the are an ad for LA Ink?? ENOUGH TATTOOS ALREADY.
At least she does her hair. And note to self Tattooed fat is still FAT!
Just because you drew on it doesn't mean it looks good.

Why do people think it is okay to crowd you in line at Target. It is NOT OK!

Last but not least GOOD NEWS...
My Little Baby Deasiya (Dirty D for short) Got her drivers license today. YEAH Congrats  Deasiya. And just like we did when Alexis, Ashlynn and Adam started driving I will try and post the dates and times she will be on the road. So you and your family can enter at your own risk. Really Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WORD!!! I completely agree with your sentiments on all these issues. Skinny jeans make me want to knee the guys wearing them, ya know, to make sure they are actually guys!
