Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jacob Needs to Do What??

Well when I receive a phone call from my sisters regarding schoolwork, I know immediately I will be required to be creative. So when Rhonda called and told me Jacob needs a simple little project for 2nd grade. Easy right?? Then she brought me the list. It was like, make a Diagram, Chart or poster, 3-D model, short report, Journal, Painting, poem, song, board game, computer project, skit, creative dance, habitat diorama.....
Does she realize we are in the 2nd!!!!!! grade.
This was accompanied with a list of vocabulary words, that had to be used or drawn....
Well Jacob literaly told me the whole life cycle of a painted lady butterfly, defined all the stages, and his version of events.
Well this is what we came up with. Not too bad if you ask me..

Thanks to Bradon and Adam for all the Technical skill. It was amazing!!
I think you will all be excited to know. "We" got an A!!!

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